Merchant Onboarding on Insured
Insured by Sudo is a virtual point-of-sale (POS) solution, designed to enhance the payment collection experience for businesses.
Insured by Sudo is a virtual point-of-sale (POS) solution, designed to enhance the payment collection experience for businesses.
Sudo allows users to issue co-branded customized cards that reflect their unique brand identity, including their logo, color, name, etc.
What is a Sandbox Environment? A Sandbox environment is an isolated testing environment that enables users to run programs or open files without affecting the application, system or platform on which they run. It is a type of software testing environment that enables the isolated execution of software or programs
An API (Application Programming Interface) key is like a special passcode that lets a client connect to, and use APIs. On Sudo, API keys are used for authentication and granting access to services. Think of it as a secret code that allows a specific service to interact with and access
In recent years, neo banks have gained significant popularity by offering exclusive online banking services which provide a more user-friendly and personalized experience compared to traditional banks. One of the services offered by such a platform is card issuance. To keep up with the fiercely competitive industry and enhance the
The demand for card issuance infrastructure has grown significantly in the last few years due to the emergence of fintech companies that require to issue cards. To help businesses to issue payment cards and enhance the user experience, Sudo offers two tools: the Sudo Dashboard and the Sudo API (Application
“Each year, technology makes the world more complex for people to understand. So, easy-to-use services for consumers are in particularly great demand” - Alex Kreger Over the past couple of years, the financial services industry in Africa has experienced a steady increase in the number of launched payment solutions. However,